House Check List

If you like the house and it is not perfect that should not stop you from buying it - but you should be prepared to spend some money making repairs. You can also use any problems you find to negotiate a lower price.

If the interior color is not what you like you can easily paint over it.

If you are ready to make an offer you should get a professional home inspection.

Condition of roof
   - When was it last replaced 
   - Check around the down spouts for water damage rotten wood and
     water stains
   - If there is evidence of leaks there might be a problem of mold
Condition of major appliances
   - How old are the appliances, will you have to replace them soon
   - Does the furnace use oil or gas, forced air or radiator
   - How efficient is the heating 
   - Is there a programmable thermostat
   - Water heater, does it have enough capacity
   - Air conditioner, enough capacity
   - Dish washer
   - Stove gas or electric
   - 2 prong vs 3 prong
   - Make sure the outlets are grounded
   - Older wiring has insulation that can deteriorate
   - What amp service does the house have
     Most houses have either 150 or 200 amps, older ones could have 100 amp
     which might not be enough
   Older houses will have poor insulation
   Ask how much they spend on utilities
   - walls
   - windows
   - attic
     does the interior of the attic look in good shape
   - Are the windows old/single pain
Insect damage, dry rot and water damage
Look for cracks in the foundation on the outside and cracks in the ceilings walls
   - check for evidence of water leaks, check ceilings and around windows
     for water stains
Full bathroom
   - should have two full bathrooms
   - check that the shower walls are ok and not seperating 
   - no water damage
   - is there a bath tub
Water drainage
   - flush the toilet, bath drain
     Older houses can have problems with drainage, roots can brake
     pipes etc
   - Make sure plumbing is working, no funny smells
    - Is there good drainage away from the house
    - Are there any trees or overhanging branches over the roof or roots
      near the foundations
Overall quality of the workmanship
Basement/crawl space
    - is it damp
Two car garage
    - Enough outdoor storage 
    - outdoor work space
Enough closet/storage space
Washer and dryer
Are your neighbors crazy
    - Barking dogs
    - Renters that party
On a busy/noisy street
Backyard has room to play