
Under perpetual construction!

A collection of numismatic information, specializing in Russian coins.

Find out more about the Russian Numismatic Society

Accessed times since Aug 10 2003.

This page is not associated with any organization (this is not to say that this page is not organized!).


  1. Grading Coins
  2. Test you skill at grading coins and compare your grade with what others have assigned.

  3. Articles
    1. A html version of the article Coin Market Slang by John Murbach posted to rec.collecting.coins.
    2. Money Talks

  4. Historical Information Concerning Currency
    1. Finland: Currency During the 1918 Civil War
    2. Short essays

  5. Mintage Numbers
  6. Price database
  7. Online Reference
    1. Russia
      • Includes biographical information and images of Tsars/Tsarinas.
      • Coin images and specifics (well, a start at it anyway...).
      • Mint Marks
    2. Germany

  8. Bibliography/Libraries
  9. Search the Numismatic Indexes Project (NIP) database for articles appearing in a number of numismatic journals. You can search for key words, author, etc...

    You can search the the libraries to find books on coin related subjects.

    1. Library WWW servers. Has links to libraries on the planet Earth.
    2. Telnet to the Library of Congress. You will get a telnet screen which should automatically log you in.

    A list of reference books, some with reviews.

    1. Russian
    2. General

  10. Related Links
    1. Personal/Commercial WWW Pages
      A list of all the sites I know of - If you know of one not on the list email me the http address and I will add it.
    2. You can read the network news group rec.collecting.coins.
    3. Currency-Exchange Links to a couple of currency convertors.

  11. Photography
  12. Tips on taking pictures of coins. Or Mistakes I've Made

    See Chuck's Coin Images for the excellent results obtained by scanning a coin.

  13. Internet/WWW Resources
  14. Links to useful documents helping you to get started creating your own page and finding your way around.