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The Bibliotheca Classica Selecta (BCS) has a numismatique section.



A Bibliography of Syrian Arab-Byzantine Coinage

Compiled by Michael L. Bates

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume 8. Macedonia II: Alexander I-Philip II.

Author: American Numismatic Society

I just received the new Vol. 8 of the SNG ANS, and for anyone interested in the Ancient Greek coinage of Macedon, this book is a must. Published in the new smaller SNG format, Vol 8: Macedon II, is a perfect match for its predecessor Volume 7; which published the ANS's holdings on Macedonian cities and tribes. This volume picks up right where Vol 7 left off, and catalogues the coinage of the Macedonian Kings from Alexander I to Philip II. This reference will be especially helpful for the coins of Philip II, as it catalogues and illustrates the numerous varieties of the famous tetradrachms, gold staters, and small AE's of which Philip issued in quantity. The work also covers posthumous issues of Philip, and contains many cross references to the works of Georges Le Rider. The catalogue contains descriptions (including dates, denominations, weights, die axes, etc) and photos of over 1000 coins, and was prepared by Hyla A.Troxell. The book is priced at only $75 US, which is another of its many good qualities. I am sure this book will be well utilized in the trade, as it replaces the need for many seperate references with one attractive and easy to use volume.

Review by Kirk Davis, 22 Apr 1995


Seaby's Sandard Catalogue of British Coins

366 pgs.

Giving a general overview of coins minted in England from Celtic times (150 BCE) to the present day. A great starter book that carries a cover price of 13 pounds.

Published by:

Seaby Productions
4 Fitzhardinge Street
London      W1H 0AH

Review by: Andrew Tumber


Coins of Canada

Author: J.A. Haxby and R.C. Willey

A good general guide to Canadian. This annual catalogue contains Canadian and Colonial decimals, Colonial tokens, Canadian banknotes, and Royal Canadian Mint NCLT stuff. This general guide covers a wide range of material as such some detail is lost in the shuffle. Still highly recommended particularly for the beginer.

Coins of Canada generally sells for around $10 Canadian.

Unitrade Press
91 Tycos Dr.
Toronto, ON   M6B 1W3

voice:  (416) 787-5658
fax  :  (416) 787-7104

Review by: Andrew Tumber


Standard Catalogue of Iranian Coins

Author: Del S. Murchison

128 pgs.

Covering Iranian issued from 1875 to present. A combination of a variety of hard to get and out of print sources.

Contact Del at (905) 896-7991
or order direct for $25 US postpaid from:

ARM Publishing
2035 Asta Drive  Suite 73
Missisauga, ON  L5A 3Y2

Review by: Andrew Tumber

United States


Author: Fred Reed.

This is an amazing book that is destined to be a numismatic classic! It provides more information than you probably thought possible on the fascinating and popular world of the encased stamps used as money during the Civil War. Fred Reed worked on this book for twenty years. He covered every base in his research, reading all of the available literature and examining pieces in collections and auctions. You would have expected this, but he went the extra mile by visiting and interviewing many descendants of issuers and places of business. He used sophisticated computer models to analyze the various issues to attempt to answer one of the eternal questions about these pieces: How many were issued? Perhaps most remarkably of all, he put all of this together in 558 ENTERTAINING pages!

Civil War Encased Stamps by Fred Reed, hard bound, 558 pages: $60. Special delux collector's edition: $190.

Review by: Fred Schwan

Order from:

BNR Press
132 East Second St.
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115-04
(419) 732 6683 (voice and fax)
(800) 793 0683 (orders and customer service)

Author: Terry Cox.

This is an innovative book covering a popular topic that has not been treated in any catalogs until now. Terry Cox has been a collector and dealer, but most of all he is a geologist. He brought his scientific training to bear in creating this new reference. He developed a computer data base of more than 17 thousand rail lines that existed at least on paper and may have issued stocks or bonds. Then he searched collections, sales records, and most other imaginable places to create a list of more than 8 thousand stocks and bonds that are known to have been created. Each of these is listed with an assigned catalog number and estimated retail value. The book includes much additional information on the wonderful world of railroad stocks and bonds. Stocks and Bonds of North American Railroads: Collectors' Guide with Value by Terry Cox, soft bound, large format, 256 pages: $27.50

Review by: Fred Schwan

Order from:

BNR Press
132 East Second St.
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115-04
(419) 732 6683 (voice and fax)
(800) 793 0683 (orders and customer service)
WORLD WAR II REMEMBERED-history in your hands, a numismatic study

Author: Fred Schwan and Joe Boling.

A remarkable new book by Fred Schwan and Joe Boling. Virtually everyone who sees this book loves it. The book covers paper money, coins, orders, medals and decorations, and financial instruments (war and defense bonds, savings certificates and the like) for all affected countries. Affected countries? Yes, all belligerents and many neutral nations created numismatic relics that may be collected today. The authors were able to cram this information into 864 large-format pages with a mere 4000 illustrations! The book also features forewords by Chet Krause and William "Hank" Carnes. Krase is very well known as a numismatist, but he is also a World War II veteran. Carnes is the curator of the United States Army Finance Corps Museum. Both men provide interesting insights from their respective perspectives. This book had the unprecedented honor of being selected as both the best world paper money book and book of the year by the Numismatic Literary Guild. World War II Remembered by Fred Schwan and Joe Boling, hard bound, large format, 856 pages, 4000 illustrations: $65 a few special collectors' editions left at $190. Review by: Fred Schwan email:

Order from:

BNR Press
132 East Second St.
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115-04
(419) 732 6683 (voice and fax)
(800) 793 0683 (orders and customer service)

Lance Campbell, president of the International Bank Note Society.

Now in its second edition, this is a classic book. It is used by collectors and dealers around the world. Prisoner of War and Concentration Camp Money, second edition, by Lance Campbell, 200 large format pages, illustrated: $25 soft bound, $35 hard bound.

Review by: Fred Schwan

Order from:

BNR Press
132 East Second St.
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115-04
(419) 732 6683 (voice and fax)
(800) 793 0683 (orders and customer service)

Author: Fred Bart

Fred Bart is the most indepth treatment ever given to United States paper money errors. The author brought together his years of experience as a collector and dealer to produce a book that is not only informative, but also interesting! The many different types of errors are discussed from the point of view of how they were produced. The errors are then cataloged, illustrated, and priced. The 190 pages include hundreds of illustrations that alone are probably worth the price of the book. The Comprehensive Catalog of U. S. Paper Money Errors by Fred Bart, 190 pages, illustrated, $25 soft bound, $35 hard bound.

Review by: Fred Schwan

Order from:

BNR Press
132 East Second St.
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115-04
(419) 732 6683 (voice and fax)
(800) 793 0683 (orders and customer service)

Author: Gene Hessler

THE COMPREHENSIVE CATALOG OF U. S. PAPER MONEY by Gene Hessler is the leading catalog on United States paper money. Now in its fifth edition, this book is the one indispensible item for collectors of United States paper money. It includes all of the features that you expect of a catalog: values, listings, and illustrations (very good ones at that), but it goes much farther than providing these features. The Hessler catalog provides history, background, data, and information that is not found in any other catalog. If you like United States paper money, you will like this book! Various editions of this book have been honored by the Numismatic Literary Guild and other national and international organizations. The Comprehensive Catalog of U. S. Paper Money by Gene Hessler, 520 pages, profusely illustrated: $29.95 soft bound, $40 hard bound (only a few copies left).

Review by: Fred Schwan

Order from:

BNR Press
132 East Second St.
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115-04
(419) 732 6683 (voice and fax)
(800) 793 0683 (orders and customer service)

Author: Gene Hessler

U. S. ESSAY, PROOF AND SPECIMEN NOTES by Gene Hessler is a classic of numismatic research. No other source includes even 10% of the information that is in this catalog of what might have been. The illustrations alone are well worth the price of this book. Published in 1978, we are pleased to be able to offer a few copies of this book again. U.S. Essay, Proof, and Specimen Notes by Gene Hessler, 224 pages, profusely illustrated, hard bound: $27.50

Review by: Fred Schwan

Order from:

BNR Press
132 East Second St.
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115-04
(419) 732 6683 (voice and fax)
(800) 793 0683 (orders and customer service)

Author: Gene Hessler

THE ENGRAVER'S LINE by Gene Hessler is probably Mr. Hessler's personal favorite of this group. In this book he chronicles the history of the engraver's art in North America via biographies of the personalities and companies involved. The book is a quality production on glossy paper with wonderful illustrations of the people and institutions and samles of their works. An amazing book. The Numismatic Literary Guild honored this as the best paper money book of 1993. The Engraver's Line by Gene Hessler, 436 pages, quality hard binding, profusely illustrated: $85.00

Review by: Fred Schwan

Order from:

BNR Press
132 East Second St.
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115-04
(419) 732 6683 (voice and fax)
(800) 793 0683 (orders and customer service)

Author: Fred Schwan

MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES, second edition, by Fred Schwan is the ultimate book on the subject and in some ways the ultimate book on any numismatic topic! The entire history of MPC includes only 90 basic pieces, yet Schwan has information enough to fill a book on them! There is much information in this book that cannot be found anywhere else. The book is out of print, but we have a few copies available. Military Payment Certificates by Fred Schwan, 176 large format pages, illustrated, soft bound $25.

Review by: Fred Schwan

Order from:

BNR Press
132 East Second St.
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452-1115-04
(419) 732 6683 (voice and fax)
(800) 793 0683 (orders and customer service)

Unorganised List

ARNOLD-BIUCCHI, CARMEN. The Randazzo Hoard 1980 and Sicilian Chronology in the Early Fifth Century B.C. (NS 18.) Pp. 97, pls. 20, tables 4. The American Numismatic Society, New York 1990. ISBN 0-89722-227-X.

BUTTREY, THEODORE V., KENAN T. ERIM, THOMAS D. GROVES, AND R. ROSS HOLLOWAY. The Coins. (Morgantina Studies 2.) Pp. 245, pls. 49. Princeton University Press, Princeton 1989. ISBN 0-691-04013-2.

ARIEL, DONALD T. Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985. II. Imported Stamped Amphora Handles, Coins, Worked Bone and Ivory, and Glass. (Qedem 30.) Pp. 188, tables 14, figs. 36, pls. 6. Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1990. ISSN 0333-5844.

BURNETT, ANDREW. Coins. (Interpreting the Past.) Pp. 64, pls. 19, figs. 10. University of California Press, Berkeley 1991. ISBN 0-520-07628-1 (paper).

KOCH, HEIDEMARIE. A Hoard of Coins from Eastern Parthia. (NNM 165.) Pp. 64, pls. 12, figs. 1. The American Numismatic Society, New York 1990. ISBN 0-89722-239-3.

GRIERSON, PHILIP, AND MELINDA MAYS. Catalogue of Late Roman Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection. From Arcadius and Honorius to the Accession of Anastasius. Pp. 499, pls. 37, tables 49. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington , D.C. 1992. $95. ISBN 0-88402-193-9.

M=F8RKHOLM, OTTO. Early Hellenistic Coinage: From the Accession of Alexander to the Peace of Apamea (336-188 B.C.). Pp. 273, pls. 45, figs. 3, tables 3, maps 6. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1991. ISBN 0-521-39504-6.

JONES, JOHN R. MELVILLE. Testimonia Numaria: Greek and Latin Texts concerning Ancient Greek Coinage 1: Texts and Translations. Pp. 544. Spink, London 1993. ISBN 0-907605-40-0.

KROLL, JOHN H. The Greek Coins. (Agora 26.) Pp. 376, pls. 36. American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton 1993. ISBN 0-87661-226-5.

POTTS, D.T. Supplement to the Pre-islamic Coinage of Eastern Arabia. (Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications 16.) Pp. 88, pls. 426, fig. 1, tables 5. Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen 1994. $48. ISBN 87-7289-272-2.

KARAYOTOV, IVAN. The Coinage of Mesambria 1: Silver and Gold Coins of Mesambria. (Thracia Pontica VI: Thracia Maritima. Corpus Numorum.) Pp. 134, pls. 48, figs. 2, tables 2, map 1. Centre of Underwater Archaeology, Sozopol 1994.

LIGHTFOOT, C.S., ED. Recent Turkish Coin Hoards and Numismatic Studies. (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Monograph 12, Oxbow Monograph 7.) Pp. 347, pls. 82, figs. 4. Oxbow Books, Oxford 1991. $68. ISBN 0-946897-27-1 (paper).

KENT, J.P.C. The Roman Imperial Coinage X: The Divided Empire and the Fall of the Western Parts AD 395-491. Pp. 509, pls. 80. Spink, London 1994. ISBN 0-907605-43-5.

VAN KEUREN, FRANCES. The Coinage of Heraclea Lucaniae. (Archaeologica 110.) Pp. 100, pls. 25. Bretschneider, Rome 1994. ISBN 88-7689-108-0 (paper).

MEYER, HUGO. Antinoos: Die arch=E4ologischen Denkm=E4ler unter Einbeziehung des numismatischen und epigraphischen Materials sowie der literarischen Nachrichten. Ein Beitrag zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte der hadrianisch-fr=FChantoninischen Zeit. Pp. 278, pls. 147, figs. 1. Wilhelm Fink, Munich 1991. ISBN 3-7705-2634-1.

CALLATA=FF, FRAN=E7OIS DE, GEORGES DEPEYROT, AND LEANDRE VILLARONGA. L'argent monnay=E9 d'Alexandre le Grand =E0 Auguste. (Cercle d'=E9tudes numismatiques, Travaux 12.) Pp. 117, tables 8, maps 2. Cercle d'=E9tudes numismatiques, Brussels 1993. (paper).

DEMO, [[breve]]ZELJKO. Ostrogothic Coinage from Collections in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Pp. 323, pls. 16, figs. 7, tables 15. Narodni Muzej, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1994. ISBN 86-80651-X.

HAZZARD, R.A. Ptolemaic Coins: An Introduction for Collectors. Pp. 132, figs. 153. Kirk and Bentley, Toronto 1995. ISBN 0-9699793-0-4 (paper).