References Relating to Russian Numismatics and Russian History


Berglund, A. & Zakharov, V.V., The Novgorod Mint during the Swedish Occupation, 1611-1617.
Alexandria, 1983, 56 p., ill.

Brekke, B.F, The Copper Coinage of Imperial Russia. 1700-1917.
296 p., pricelist.
The Copper Coinage of Imperial Russia. Supplement. 28 p.
(Supplement published by the Russian Numismatic Society in 1987.)


de Chaudor, Baron Stanislav (1790-1858), Obozrienie russkikh deneg i inostrannykh monet, upotrebliavshikhsia v Rossii s drevnikh vremen
Sanktpeterburg : V tip. Ekspeditsii zagotovleniia gos. bumag, 1837-1841. 2 v. ; 24 cm.

de Chaudoir, Baron Stanislav, Apercu sur les monnaies russes.
St. Petersburg, 1836-1837.


Diachkov, Andrei Nikolaevich, Monety Rossii i SSSR : opredelitel
Moskva : "Sov. Rossiia", (1978) 649 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.


Fedorov-Davydov, G. A. (German Alekseevich), 1931- Monety Moskovskoi Rusi : Moskva v borbe za nezavisimoe i tsentralizovannoe go sudarstvo
Moskva : Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, (1981) 221 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.

Fedorov-Davydov, G.A., Le trésor de Saransk. Les monnaies de la Russie moscovite XIVe et XVe siècles.
Réimpr. New York, 1986, 317 p., 44 pl. (adaptation française de F. Van Hoof et A. Schoevaert).

Fedorov-Davydov, G. A. (German Alekseevich), 1931- Monety Nizhegorodskogo kniazhestva
Moskva : Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, (1989) 253 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.

Fedorov-Davydov, G.A., Le trésor de Saransk. Les monnaies de la Principauté de Nijégorod, XIVe-XVe siècles.
Réimpr. New York, 1992, 220 p., 38 pl. de photos et 54 pl. de dessins (adaptation française de F. Van Hoof et A. Schoevaert).


Gaidukov, P.G. The Russian copper coins. The end of XIV - XVI c.
Moscow 1993.

Gumowski, M. Handbuch der Polnischen Numismatik.
Graz, 1960.

Gumowski, M. Handbuch der Polnischen Numismatik. Limited edition. 1996, XI + 226 p., 56 pl.

Georgii Mikhailovich, Grand Duke of Russia, 1863-1919. Monnaies de l'empire de Russie, 1725-1894
Boston, Quarterman Publications (1973) xxxvi, 657 p. ill. 32 cm.

Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh (Russia) Medals and coins of the age of Peter the Great
Leningrad : Aurora Art Publishers, (1974) 39, [83] p., [3] fold. leaves of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm.

Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh (Russia) Medals and coins of the Petrine epoch = Medali i monety Petrovskogo vremeni.
[Leningrad : Aurora Art Publishers, c1973] 1 portfolio, ([16] leaves of plates : col. ill.) ; 22 cm.


Harris, Robert P. A guidebook of Russian coins, 1725 to 1984,
3rd ed. 184 p. mintages, ill., val. per date and mint.


Ilyin, A. Russkie monety. Mednaia moneta Petra I s 1700-1725.
(Russian Coins. The copper Coinage of Peter I 1700-1725).
Petrograd 1918.


Julian, R.W. Russian Silver Coinage 1796-1917.
Logansport, 1993, 120 p., ill.


Kaminski, Cz., Kopocki, E.Katalog Monet Poskich. 1764-1864.
Warsaw, 1977.

Kaim, R. Russland serie spezial; band I: die munzen der UDSSR 1921-1975.
1977 ed., paperback, 77 p., fully ill. with val in DM.
(In German)

Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band II: die munzen des zaren Nikolaus II 1894-1917.
1978 ed., paperback, 79 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)

Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band III: die munzen des zaren Alexander III 1881-1894.
1978 ed., paperback, 75 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)

Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band IV: die munzen des zaren Alexander II 1855-1881.
1979 ed., paperback, 105 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)

Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band V: die munzen des zaren Nikolaus I 1825-1855.
1982 ed., paperback, 117 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)

Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band VI: die munzen des zaren Alexander I 1801-1825.
1982 ed., paperback, 125 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)

Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band I-A: die probemunzen der UDSSR 1921-1983.
1984 ed., paperback, 89 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)

Kaim, R. Die altrussische munzgeschichte und die pragungen von 1350 - 1700; band I: die altrussische munzgeschichte.
(1979) 198 p. ill.
(In German)

Kaim, R. Die altrussische munzgeschichte und die pragungen von 1350 - 1700; band II: die pragungen der Russischen zaren von 1533 - 1700
(1981) 384 p. ill.
(In German)


Lapa, Frank A. Russian wire money,
[1st ed. n.p., 1967] 16 p. ill. 23 cm.

Laurila, P., Soviet Paper Money from Czarist Empire to our Days,
1895-1990. 2nd ed. rev. et augm. S.l., s.d., 120 p., ill.


Melnikova, A. S. (Alla). Russkie monety ot Ivana Groznogo do Petra Pervogo : istoriia russkoi denezhnoi sistemy s 1533 po 1682 god. = (Russian coins from Ivan the Terrible to Peter the Great).
Moscow : "Finansy i statistika", (1989) 315 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Russian text


Oreshnikov, A.V. Russkie monety do 1547 goda. = Russian coins to the year 1547.
Moscow, 1989.


Petrov, V.I. (Vasilii Ilich). Catalogue des monnaies russes de tous les princes, tsars et empereurs depuis 980 jusqu'a 1899.
Graz, Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsantstalt, (1964) 86 p. 46 plates. 30 cm.

Petrov, V., Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlia sobiratelei monet. = Practical guide for coin collectors.
Moscow 1900.

Poluiko, E. Rubl' Anny Ionnovny. Katalog. = Roubles of Anna Ioanovna. Catalogue.
Gorkii, 1989.


Russkaia numizmatika XI-XX vekov : Materialy i issled. : [Sbornik]
Leningrad : Avrora, (1979) 169 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Ryabtsevich, V.N. Russo-Polish Monetary Issues of the Time of Peter I.
Togliatti 1995.
310 pages, illustrated in text. 15x22 cm, hardbound.
Print run 3000. (In Russian)

Rylov, I. and Sololin. Monety Rossii i SSSR : katalog = Russian and Soviet coins : catalogue
Moskva : Interprint, (1993) xx, 284 p., ill., 24 cm.
Print run 50000. (In Russian/English)


Severin, H.M. The Silver Coinage of Imperial Russia 1682 to 1917.
Basle, 1965.

Severin, H.M. Gold and Platinum Coinage of Imperial Russia from 1701 to 1911.
Reprint 1084, xv + 77 p. 17 pl.

Shchelokov, A. A. (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich). Monety SSSR = Coins of the USSR
Moskva : Finansy i statistika, (1989) 238, [2] p. : ill. ; 21 cm.

Schubert, T.F. Monnaies russes des derniers trois siecles.
Leipzig, 1857.

Spasskii, Dr. I.G. On the Track of a Rare Coin. [Constantine rouble]
Leningrad, 1964. (Mostly in Russian but with an English summary.)

Spasskii, Dr. I.G. The Russian Monetary System. A historical-numismatic survey.
Amsterdam, 1967, 253 p., ill. (English translation of Russian work.)

Spasskii, Dr. I.G. Some Observations in Connection with Russian Coins Struck 1914 to 1917.
Numismatics and Sfragistics, vol. III. Kiev, 1968. (In Russian)

Spasskii, I. G. (Ivan Georgievich). Russkie efimki : issledovanie i katalog
Novosibirsk : "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie, 1988. 209 p., [3], cxx p. of plates : ill. ; 21 cm.

Shchelokov, A. A. (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich). Monety SSSR = Coins of the USSR
Moskva : Finansy i statistika, (1986) 188, [4] p. : ill. ; 21 cm.

Sotnikova, M. P. (Marina Petrovna). Tysiacheletie drevneishikh monet Rossii : svodnyi katalog russkikh monet X-XI vekov
Leningrad : "Iskusstvo," Leningradskoe otd-nie, (1983) 238 p. : ill., ports. ; 25 cm.


Tolstoi, I.I., Russkaia dopetrovskaia numizmatika. Monety velikogo Novgoroda. = Russian Numismatics before Peter the Great. Coins of Great Novgorod.
St. Petersburg, 1884.

Tolstoi, I.I., Russkaia dopetrovskaia numizmatika. Monety Pskovkie. = Russian Numismatics before Peter the Great. Coins of Pskov.
St. Petersburg, 1886.


Van Hoof, F., De Konstantijn Roebel van 1825. Geschiedenis en zijn vervalsingen.
Mechelen, 1984, 39 p., ill.

Van Hoof, F., Les 5-Kopeck russes en cuivre aux couronnes royales suédoises.
Mechelen, 1984, 17 p., ill.

Van Hoof, F. & Fuchs, W. D., Le rouble de Constantin, 1825. Son histoire, et ses falsifications.
Mechelen, 1984, 40 p., ill.

Uzdenikov, V. V. (Vasilii Vasilevich). Monety Rossii, 1700-1917 = Russian coins, 1700-1917
Moskva : Finansy i statistika, (1985) 502 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
(In Russian)

Uzdenikov, V. V. Moneti Rossii (Russian Coins) 1700-1917
Datastrom, Moscow 1992 - 678 p. ill. ISBN 5-7130-0026-5
(In Russian/English)


Yukht, A.I. Russian Money from Peter the Great to Alexander I.
Moscow, 1994. [Discussion and background material, not a catalogue.]
(In Russian)

Yusupov, B.S. RUSSIAN COINS 1699-1917.
Askold Publishers, Kazan, 1995.
278pp, numerous plates. 18x25 cm, hardbound.
Print run: 10,000. (In Russian)


Zacher, M. (Martin). 50 [i.e. Funfzig] Jahre Munzen der Sowjetunion : eine Studie
Berlin-Friedrichshain : Kulturbund d. DDR, (1973) 40 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 cm.

Zander, R. The silver rubles & yefimoks of Rominov Russia
Russian Numismatic Society, (1996) 141 p., card bound, 22x28 cm.

Zander, R., Russian-English Numismatic Dictionary.
Akron, 1990, 96 p., ill.

Zander, R., The Alaskan parchment scrip of the Russian American Company, 1816-1867.
Bellinghan, 1996, 48 p., ill.

Russian History References

Alef, G., Rulers and Nobles in Fifteenth-Century Muscovy. Londres, 1983, 354 p., 15 pl. (10 Articles in English and 1 in German).

Baron, S.H., Explorations in Muscovite History. S.l., 1991, viii + 328 p. (15 Articles in English).

Chernykh, E.N., Ancient Metallurgy in the USSR. The Early Metal Age. Cambridge, 1992, 359 p.

Kaiser, D.H. & Marker, G. (ed.), Reinterpreting Russian History. Readings, 860-1860s. Oxford, 1994, 384 p.

Maczak, A., Money, Prices and Power in Poland, 16th-17th Centuries. A comparative Approach. Aldershot, 1995, 312 p.

Martin, J., Medieval Russia, 980-1584. Cambridge, 1995, 450 p.

Martin, J., Treasure of the Land of Darkness. The Fur Trade and its Significance for Medieval Russia. Cambridge, 1986, 288 p.

Riasanovsky, N.V., A History of Russia. 5th ed., Oxford, 1993, 732 p.

Vernadsky, G., Essai sur les origines russes. 2 vols, Paris, 1959, 522 p. (trad. par A. Colnat).

Vodoff, W., Princes et principautés russes, Xe-XVIIe siècles. Northampton, 1989, xii + 336 p. (15 articles in French).