References Relating to Russian Numismatics and Russian History
- Berglund, A. & Zakharov, V.V., The Novgorod Mint during the Swedish
Occupation, 1611-1617.
- Alexandria, 1983, 56 p., ill.
- Brekke, B.F, The Copper Coinage of Imperial Russia. 1700-1917.
- 296 p., pricelist.
- The Copper Coinage of Imperial Russia. Supplement. 28 p.
(Supplement published by the Russian Numismatic Society in 1987.)
- de Chaudor, Baron Stanislav (1790-1858), Obozrienie russkikh
deneg i inostrannykh monet, upotrebliavshikhsia v Rossii s drevnikh
- Sanktpeterburg : V tip. Ekspeditsii zagotovleniia gos.
bumag, 1837-1841. 2 v. ; 24 cm.
- de Chaudoir, Baron Stanislav, Apercu sur les monnaies russes.
- St. Petersburg, 1836-1837.
- Diachkov, Andrei Nikolaevich, Monety Rossii i SSSR :
- Moskva : "Sov. Rossiia", (1978) 649 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
- Fedorov-Davydov, G. A. (German Alekseevich), 1931- Monety
Moskovskoi Rusi : Moskva v borbe za nezavisimoe i tsentralizovannoe go
- Moskva : Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, (1981) 221 p. :
ill. ; 22 cm.
- Fedorov-Davydov, G.A., Le trésor de Saransk.
Les monnaies de la Russie moscovite XIVe et XVe siècles.
- Réimpr. New York, 1986, 317 p., 44 pl.
(adaptation française de F. Van Hoof et A. Schoevaert).
- Fedorov-Davydov, G. A. (German Alekseevich), 1931- Monety
Nizhegorodskogo kniazhestva
- Moskva : Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta,
(1989) 253 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
- Fedorov-Davydov, G.A., Le trésor de Saransk.
Les monnaies de la
Principauté de Nijégorod, XIVe-XVe siècles.
- Réimpr. New York, 1992, 220 p.,
38 pl. de photos et 54 pl. de dessins
(adaptation française de F. Van Hoof et A. Schoevaert).
- Gaidukov, P.G. The Russian copper coins.
The end of XIV - XVI c.
- Moscow 1993.
- Gumowski, M. Handbuch der Polnischen Numismatik.
- Graz, 1960.
- Gumowski, M. Handbuch der Polnischen Numismatik.
Limited edition. 1996, XI + 226 p., 56 pl.
- Georgii Mikhailovich, Grand Duke of Russia, 1863-1919.
Monnaies de l'empire de Russie, 1725-1894
- Boston, Quarterman Publications
(1973) xxxvi, 657 p. ill. 32 cm.
- Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh (Russia) Medals and coins of the
age of Peter the Great
- Leningrad : Aurora Art Publishers, (1974) 39,
[83] p., [3] fold. leaves of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm.
- Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh (Russia) Medals and coins of the
Petrine epoch = Medali i monety Petrovskogo vremeni.
- [Leningrad : Aurora
Art Publishers, c1973] 1 portfolio, ([16] leaves of plates : col. ill.) ;
22 cm.
- Harris, Robert P. A guidebook of Russian coins, 1725 to 1984,
- 3rd ed. 184 p. mintages, ill., val. per date and mint.
- Ilyin, A. Russkie monety. Mednaia moneta Petra I s 1700-1725.
- (Russian Coins. The copper Coinage of Peter I 1700-1725).
Petrograd 1918.
- Julian, R.W.
Russian Silver Coinage 1796-1917.
- Logansport, 1993, 120 p., ill.
- Kaminski, Cz., Kopocki, E.Katalog Monet Poskich. 1764-1864.
- Warsaw, 1977.
- Kaim, R. Russland serie spezial; band I: die munzen der UDSSR
- 1977 ed., paperback, 77 p., fully ill. with val in DM.
(In German)
- Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band II: die munzen des zaren
Nikolaus II 1894-1917.
- 1978 ed., paperback, 79 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)
- Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band III: die munzen des zaren
Alexander III 1881-1894.
- 1978 ed., paperback, 75 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)
- Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band IV: die munzen des zaren
Alexander II 1855-1881.
- 1979 ed., paperback, 105 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)
- Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band V: die munzen des zaren
Nikolaus I 1825-1855.
- 1982 ed., paperback, 117 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)
- Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band VI: die munzen des zaren
Alexander I 1801-1825.
- 1982 ed., paperback, 125 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)
- Kaim, R. Russland serie sepzial; band I-A: die probemunzen der
UDSSR 1921-1983.
- 1984 ed., paperback, 89 p., fully ill., with val in DM.
(In German)
- Kaim, R. Die altrussische munzgeschichte und die pragungen von
1350 - 1700; band I: die altrussische munzgeschichte.
- (1979) 198 p. ill.
(In German)
- Kaim, R. Die altrussische munzgeschichte und die pragungen von
1350 - 1700; band II: die pragungen der Russischen zaren von
1533 - 1700
- (1981) 384 p. ill.
(In German)
- Lapa, Frank A. Russian wire money,
- [1st ed. n.p., 1967] 16 p.
ill. 23 cm.
- Laurila, P., Soviet Paper Money from Czarist Empire to our Days,
- 1895-1990. 2nd ed. rev. et augm. S.l., s.d., 120 p., ill.
- Melnikova, A. S. (Alla).
Russkie monety ot Ivana Groznogo do Petra
Pervogo : istoriia russkoi denezhnoi sistemy s 1533 po 1682 god.
= (Russian coins from Ivan the Terrible to Peter the Great).
- Moscow : "Finansy i statistika", (1989) 315 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Russian text
- Oreshnikov, A.V.
Russkie monety do 1547 goda. = Russian coins to the year 1547.
- Moscow, 1989.
- Petrov, V.I. (Vasilii Ilich). Catalogue des monnaies russes
de tous les princes, tsars et empereurs depuis 980 jusqu'a 1899.
- Graz,
Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsantstalt, (1964) 86 p. 46 plates. 30 cm.
- Petrov, V., Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlia sobiratelei monet. =
Practical guide for coin collectors.
- Moscow 1900.
- Poluiko, E. Rubl' Anny Ionnovny. Katalog. =
Roubles of Anna Ioanovna. Catalogue.
- Gorkii, 1989.
- Russkaia numizmatika XI-XX vekov : Materialy i issled. :
- Leningrad : Avrora, (1979) 169 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Ryabtsevich, V.N.
Russo-Polish Monetary Issues of the Time of Peter I.
- Togliatti 1995.
310 pages, illustrated in text. 15x22 cm, hardbound.
Print run 3000. (In Russian)
Rylov, I. and Sololin.
Monety Rossii i SSSR : katalog = Russian and Soviet coins : catalogue
- Moskva : Interprint, (1993) xx, 284 p., ill., 24 cm.
Print run 50000. (In Russian/English)
- Severin, H.M.
The Silver Coinage of Imperial Russia 1682 to 1917.
- Basle, 1965.
- Severin, H.M.
Gold and Platinum Coinage of Imperial Russia from 1701 to 1911.
- Reprint 1084, xv + 77 p. 17 pl.
- Shchelokov, A. A. (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich).
Monety SSSR = Coins of the USSR
- Moskva : Finansy i statistika, (1989) 238, [2] p. :
ill. ; 21 cm.
- Schubert, T.F.
Monnaies russes des derniers trois siecles.
- Leipzig, 1857.
- Spasskii, Dr. I.G.
On the Track of a Rare Coin. [Constantine rouble]
- Leningrad, 1964. (Mostly in Russian but with an English summary.)
- Spasskii, Dr. I.G.
The Russian Monetary System. A historical-numismatic survey.
- Amsterdam, 1967, 253 p., ill.
(English translation of Russian work.)
- Spasskii, Dr. I.G.
Some Observations in Connection with Russian Coins Struck 1914 to 1917.
- Numismatics and Sfragistics, vol. III. Kiev, 1968. (In Russian)
- Spasskii, I. G. (Ivan Georgievich). Russkie efimki :
issledovanie i katalog
- Novosibirsk : "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie, 1988.
209 p., [3], cxx p. of plates : ill. ; 21 cm.
- Shchelokov, A. A. (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich). Monety SSSR =
Coins of the USSR
- Moskva : Finansy i statistika, (1986) 188, [4] p. :
ill. ; 21 cm.
- Sotnikova, M. P. (Marina Petrovna). Tysiacheletie
drevneishikh monet Rossii : svodnyi katalog russkikh monet X-XI vekov
- Leningrad : "Iskusstvo," Leningradskoe otd-nie, (1983) 238 p. : ill.,
ports. ; 25 cm.
- Tolstoi, I.I., Russkaia dopetrovskaia numizmatika. Monety velikogo
Novgoroda. = Russian Numismatics before Peter the Great. Coins of Great
- St. Petersburg, 1884.
- Tolstoi, I.I., Russkaia dopetrovskaia numizmatika. Monety Pskovkie.
= Russian Numismatics before Peter the Great. Coins of Pskov.
- St. Petersburg, 1886.
- Van Hoof, F.,
De Konstantijn Roebel van 1825. Geschiedenis en zijn vervalsingen.
- Mechelen, 1984, 39 p., ill.
- Van Hoof, F.,
Les 5-Kopeck russes en cuivre aux couronnes royales suédoises.
- Mechelen, 1984, 17 p., ill.
- Van Hoof, F. & Fuchs, W. D.,
Le rouble de Constantin, 1825. Son histoire, et ses falsifications.
- Mechelen, 1984, 40 p., ill.
- Uzdenikov, V. V. (Vasilii Vasilevich). Monety Rossii,
1700-1917 = Russian coins, 1700-1917
- Moskva : Finansy i statistika,
(1985) 502 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
(In Russian)
Uzdenikov, V. V. Moneti Rossii (Russian Coins) 1700-1917
- Datastrom, Moscow 1992 - 678 p. ill.
ISBN 5-7130-0026-5
(In Russian/English)
- Yukht, A.I.
Russian Money from Peter the Great to Alexander I.
- Moscow, 1994. [Discussion and background material, not a catalogue.]
(In Russian)
Yusupov, B.S.
RUSSIAN COINS 1699-1917.
- Askold Publishers, Kazan, 1995.
278pp, numerous plates. 18x25 cm, hardbound.
Print run: 10,000. (In Russian)
- Zacher, M. (Martin). 50 [i.e. Funfzig] Jahre Munzen der
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- Berlin-Friedrichshain : Kulturbund d. DDR,
(1973) 40 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 cm.
- Zander, R. The silver rubles & yefimoks of Rominov Russia
- Russian Numismatic Society,
(1996) 141 p., card bound, 22x28 cm.
- Zander, R., Russian-English Numismatic Dictionary.
- Akron, 1990, 96 p., ill.
- Zander, R., The Alaskan parchment scrip of the Russian American
Company, 1816-1867.
- Bellinghan, 1996, 48 p., ill.
Russian History References
Alef, G., Rulers and Nobles in Fifteenth-Century Muscovy.
Londres, 1983, 354 p., 15 pl.
(10 Articles in English and 1 in German).
Baron, S.H., Explorations in Muscovite History.
S.l., 1991, viii + 328 p.
(15 Articles in English).
Chernykh, E.N., Ancient Metallurgy in the USSR. The Early Metal Age.
Cambridge, 1992, 359 p.
Kaiser, D.H. & Marker, G. (ed.), Reinterpreting Russian History.
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Maczak, A., Money, Prices and Power in Poland, 16th-17th Centuries. A
comparative Approach. Aldershot, 1995, 312 p.
Martin, J., Medieval Russia, 980-1584. Cambridge, 1995, 450 p.
Martin, J., Treasure of the Land of Darkness. The Fur Trade and its
Significance for Medieval Russia. Cambridge, 1986, 288 p.
Riasanovsky, N.V., A History of Russia. 5th ed., Oxford, 1993, 732 p.
Vernadsky, G., Essai sur les origines russes. 2 vols, Paris, 1959, 522
p. (trad. par A. Colnat).
Vodoff, W., Princes et principautés russes, Xe-XVIIe siècles.
Northampton, 1989, xii + 336 p. (15 articles in French).