Military Pocket Watch Style Compass
Frequently seen as Officer's Compass and likely carried as part
of a survival kit for U.S. Aviators.
- Material: Brass
- Size: 1.75" diameter
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: jewelled, bar type
- Graduations: degrees, per 10
- Weight: 2 oz.
- Stop: automatic when closed
- Date: WWI
- Markings: U.S. on cover
- Manufacturer: various
- Estimated value: $35

| Waltham Military Pocket Watch Style Compass
Frequently seen as Officer's Compass and likely carried as part
of a survival kit for U.S. Aviators.
- Material: Brass
- Size: 1.75" diameter
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: jewelled, bar type
- Graduations: degrees, per 20
- Weight: 2 oz.
- Stop: automatic when closed
- Date: WWI
- Markings: U.S. on cover
- Manufacturer: Waltham Watch Co.
- Estimated value: $75
Wittnauer Military Pocket Watch Style Compass
Frequently seen as Officer's Compass and likely carried as part of a
survival kit for U.S. Aviators.
- Material: Nickeled Brass
- Size: 1.75" diameter
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: jewelled
- Graduations: degrees, per 15
- Weight: 2 oz.
- Stop: automatic when closed
- Date: WWII
- Markings: U.S. on cover
- Manufacturer: Wittnauer
- Estimated value: $35 - 125, depending upon version
Taylor USANITE Eng. Dept. U.S.A. 1918
- Material: Nickeled Brass
- Size: 1.75" diameter
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: jewelled
- Graduations: degrees, per 10
- Weight: 2 oz.
- Stop: automatic when closed (non-functional)
- Date: 1918
- Markings: USANITE
Rochester, N.Y.
Pat. Apr. 20 - 1915 (on dial)
U.S.A. 1918 (on cover)
Manufacturer: Taylor
Military Compass, M2
Also seen as Artillery Compass due to its inherent accuracy. Military
version of Brunton Pocket Transit
- Material: Aluminum
- Size: 2.75" x 2.75" x 1"
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: jewelled
- Graduations: mils, per 200
- Stop: automatic when closed
- Markings: Compass, M2
No. 16## 1942 R.J.H.
Wm. Ainsworth & Sons, Inc.
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
on cover
- Manufacturer: Wm. Ainsworth & Sons, Inc.
- Includes declination adjustment, level and clinometer
- Estimated value: $125
Military Compass, M2
Recent version of the M2 (and a suspected knock-off, but accurate
- Material: O.D. painted aluminum
- Size: 2.75" x 2.75" x 1"
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: jewelled
- Graduations: mils, per 200
- Stop: automatic when closed
- Markings: Compass, M2
Serial No. 289XXX Aug87
19200-MIL-C-58052 90640
Open this end
on cover
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Includes declination adjustment, level and clinometer
- Estimated value: $50
| WWI Engineer Corps Compass
WWI era mirror compass.
- Material: O.D. Green painted brass
- Size: 2.125" diameter
- Crystal: Glass w/ lubber line
- Needle: jewelled metal card
- Graduations: degrees, per 20 (and backwards as well, for reading via the
- Weight: 5 oz.
- Stop: Automatic when cover glass is closed
- Date: apprx. 1915
- Markings:U.S. Engineer Corps
on cover
- Manufacturer: PLAN LTD
Neuchatel, Switzerland
- Estimated value: $50
1918 Cruchon & Emons Corps of Engineers Prismatic
This venerable design is the precursor to such notable modern compasses
as the Israeli Defence Force prismatic; as the model for such later examples,
it was chosen for good reason.
The adjustable prism allows a direct
bearing reading while sighting the target via a notch in the prism housing
and a line in the glassed cover. The jewelled card has a large arrow
designating North, direct bearings for use as a hand compass and 'reversed'
bearings for readings via the prism. Brass construction, accented
by harder alloy on wear points, such as the lever that engages the automatic
stop or the tip of the crystal lock. Cardinal and intercardinal points
are engraved around the periphery. Serial numbered.
- Material: Brass
- Size: 2 7/8" x 2 1/8"
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: Jewelled card
- Sight(s): Etched line in cover, notch on prism mount
- Graduations: Degrees, per 20, graduated by degree
- Stop: Via button on side and automatic when cover is closed
- Markings: Engineer Corps. U.S.
(on cover)
No. 505##
1918 (on reverse)
- Manufacturer: Cruchon & Emons

Corps of Engineers Lensatic Compass
The quintessential Army compass of the Second World War and the Korean Conflict.
- Material: Anodized (bronze or black) aluminum
- Size: 2" diameter
- Crystal: Glass w/ luminous lubber line
- Needle: jewelled plastic card w/ luminous points
- Graduations: degrees, per 20
- Weight: 3 oz.
- Stop: none
- Date: 1949
- Markings:10-49 (upper)
3-45 (lower)
Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army
on cover
- Manufacturer: Superior Magnete Corp.
L.I. City, N.Y., U.S.A.
- Estimated value: $30
| Tritium Lensatic Compass
The modern Army lensatic compass. Tritium glows without the need
for prior exposure to light.
Material: O.D. Green painted alloy
Size: 3" x 2.25"
Crystal: Glass w/ luminous lubber line
Needle: jewelled plastic card w/ luminous points
Graduations: degrees, per 20
mils, per 200
Weight: 5 oz.
Stop: Automatic when magnifying glass is lowered
Date: 1989
Markings:U.S. Compass, Magnetic
NSN 6605-01-196-6971
on cover
Manufacturer: Stocker & Yale, Inc.
Beverly, Mass.
Estimated value: $40 (used), $75 (new)
Cammenga Lensatic Compass
Civilian version of the Army lensatic compass, without tritium.
Material: O.D. Green painted alloy
Size: 3" x 2.25"
Crystal: Glass w/ luminous lubber line
Needle: jewelled plastic card w/ luminous points
Graduations: degrees, per 20
mils, per 200
Weight: 5 oz.
Stop: Automatic when magnifying glass is lowered
Date: Current
NSN 6605-01-196-6971 Phosphorous Military Compass
U.S. (on reverse)
Manufacturer: Cammenga
Estimated value: $40 (new)
Import Lensatic Compass
Civilian version of the Army lensatic compass.
- Material: O.D. Green painted alloy
- Size: 3" x 2.25"
- Crystal: Glass w/ luminous lubber line
- Needle: jewelled plastic card w/ luminous points
- Graduations: degrees, per 20
mils, per 200
- Weight: 3.7 oz.
- Stop: None
- Date: Current
- Markings: None
- Manufacturer: Various / Taiwan
- Estimated value: $20 (new)
Creagh-Osborne Marching Compass by Sperry Gyroscope
A World War I military hand-bearing compass used by the U.S. Engineer
Dept. - one looked through the lens (at the top in the photo) to determe
the azimuth. Rifle-type sights on top fold up for travel or raise
to align the compass with the objective or landmark.
Material: Olive Drab painted brass
- Size: 3 1/2" x 2 1/2"
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: Originally liquid damped
- Graduations: Degrees, per 10
- Weight: 7.4 oz. (dry)
- Stop: None
- Markings: U.S.E.D.
Marching Compass
Mark VII Mod. E.
Sperry Gyroscope Co.
Brooklyn, NY
"Night Marching" Compass by F. Barker & Son of Clerkenwell
Road, London.
This compass is optimized for night use. The card consists of
a bright metal outer ring on which are printed the cardinal points and
degrees and which reflects a great deal of light, making it posible to
read bearings even through the window in the cover. The interior
of the card is a white circle with a large black triangle denoting north,
again visible in minimal light. There is a large white arrow on the
inside of the cover, just above the window, for aiming the compass at night;
for use during the day, the window has an inscibed black line for sighting.
The lanyard bail functions as the rear sight, via a peep hole, similar
to a military rifle sight, or a notch on the top of the bow.
- Material: Brass
- Size: 2" diameter
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: Jewelled card
- Graduations: Cardinal points, degrees per 20
- Lanyard loop / rear sights(s)
- Weight: 4 oz.
- Stop: Manual, via lever on side
- Date: ca. 1900
- Markings: Night Marching (on front)
- F. Barker & Son
- Makers
- London (on reverse)
- Manufacturer: F. Barker & Son
Night Marching Compass
Similar to our "Night Marching" Compass by F. Barker & Son, above.
This one utilizes a white compass card with a large arrow for north
and a sparse selection of cardinal points, surrounded by a silvered bearing
ring - the card is visible through the cover, as shown. A movable
bearing arrow on the knurled-edge crystal allows you to set a heading and
then simply match up north with the pointer. Finer bearing readings
were accomplished via the bail (missing, unfortunately) and a hairline
in the glass window within the cover. A traveling stop freezes the
compass card via a lever at the lower right..
- Material: Black lacquered brass
- Size: 2" diameter
- Crystal: Glass w/ pointer
- Needle: Jewelled dry card
- Graduations: Cardinal points
- Weight: 5 3/4 oz.
- Stop: Manual, via lever on side
- Date: ca. 1910 (based upon similar devices)
- Markings: None
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Includes leather case
Major Legh's Luminous Compass by Lawrence & Mayo
If you liked our "Night Marching" Compass by F. Barker & Son (we
miss that compass!) you'll like this one, too! They seem aimed at
similar ends - the ability to navigate in very low light. This one
utilizes a white compass card with only an arrow for north and a sparse
selection of cardinal points. A movable bearing arrow on the crystal
allows you to set a heading and then simply match up north with the pointer.
Finer bearing readings were accomplished via a slot on the rear sight (see
note below) and a thin vane visible through a transparent window within
the cover. Two stops, both manual: a traveling stop via a lever
at the lower right and a temporary stop button at the upper right, used
to freeze the card after a reading has been taken so the user can read
the card.
An entry for (a) Major Mayo was found in the 1901 Hertfordshire, England
Green End House
Edith S Legh, aged 37, born in London Belgravia, wife of Major Legh,
not present. With her were 7 live-in servants including the coachman.
Only one of these was local - Kate Livings the under housemaid, aged 19,
and born in Little Munden.
Lawrence & Mayo was founded in 1877 and is "specialized in the fields
of Engineering, Scientific and vacuum instruments."
- Material: Brass
- Size: 2 1/4" diameter
- Crystal: Glass w/ pointer
- Needle: Jewelled dry card
- Graduations: Cardinal points
- Rear sights w/ latch
- Weight: 5 3/4 oz.
- Stop: 2: Manual, via lever on side for carry and a button for readings
- Date: ca. 1900
- Markings: Major Legh's
Luminous Compass
Lawrence & Mayo
Manufacturer: Lawrence & Mayo
Note: Upon close inspection, this compass was either derived from
a prismatic or is missing its prism. The card has a green bearing
ring at the outer perimeter and the rear sight has two small holes by which
a prism could have been mounted. However, as this is a night marching
compass, it is also possible that this particular model was never intended
to have a prism; indeed, one needs a great deal of light by which to read
a bearing through one and the unblemished patina on the rear sight gives
no indication that anything was ever mounted. |
F. Barker & Son British Prismatic Mk. 1 Compass
The precursor to such venerable devices as the IDF Prismatic, this Barker
& Son compass is a terrific piece of history as well as a remarkably
accurate instrument. The focusable prism allows one to simultaneously
sight the target and read the bearing. The card, almost out of place
in its beauty, is crafted of mother-of-pearl, which is quite reflective
and allows readings to be taken in very low light. Graduated in mils:
a difference of 1 mil works out very nicely to approximately 1 yard at
1000 yards (or 1:1000 meters) - handy for artillery!
Material: Black-painted brass
- Size: 3 1/4" x 2 1/2"
- Crystal: Glass, with reference point
- Needle: Jewelled, mother-of-pearl card, liquid damped
- Graduations: Mils, per 100
- Lanyard loop
- Weight: 9 1/2 oz.
- Stop: None
- Date: 1932
- Markings: English broad arrow
B 2489##
F. B. & S. (1932) Ltd
(on reverse)
Manufacturer: F. Barker & Son, London
"The Magnapole" Series II Marching Compass
Another example of a WWI marching compass, beautifully rendered and
preserved! The compass card is jewelled and upturned around the edge,
in order that readings may be taken at eye level via a notch in the bail
and a sighting line in the cover's lens. The bezel, which houses
a beveled glass crystal, may be rotated to mark a bearing; a formerly luminous
mark, seen at the 6:30 position, would then be aligned with the north arrow
for night marching. A superb device, all around.
- Material: Black lacquered brass
- Size: 2 1/16" diameter
- Crystal: Beveled glass
- Needle: Jewelled dry card
- Graduations: Cardinal & intercardinal points, degrees, per 10
- Weight: 4 oz.
- Stop: Manual, via lever on side
- Markings: "The Magnapole"
Series II (on cover)
Patent No. 22598 (on reverse)
- Manufacturer: Unknown
T.G. Co. Mark 1 Compass Magnetic Marching
A British marching compass from the Second World War. Finely balanced
needle, metal mirror with sighting line and slot in cover, vee-notch sight.
Night marches were aided by (formerly) luminous lines on mirror and above
thumbloop, as well as the needle tip, dial and bezel.
- Material: Baklite plastic
- Size: 3" x 2 1/2"
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: Undamped, originally luminous north tip
- Graduations: Degrees, per 10
- Lanyard / thumb loop
- Weight: 9 1/2 oz.
- Stop: Automatic
- Date: WWII
- Markings: Compass Magnetic Marching
Mark 1
English broad arrow
B 1582##
T.G. Co. Ltd
(on reverse)
Manufacturer: T.G. Co. Ltd (?)
Israeli IDF Compass
From one of the best-equipped militaries in the world comes one of the
world's finest compasses. The IDF compass boasts a rugged, liquid-filled
housing that is highly shock-resistant, water-proof and weather-resistant
and is operable from -40 to 122 degrees F! Glass prism allows precise readings
of bearings; accuracy potential is within 30 seconds of arc. Diaphram prevents
leakage at high altitude.
- Material: Brass case
- Size:
- Crystal: Glass w/ lubber line
- Needle: Mylar Card, jewelled, liquid-damped
- Graduations: Degrees, per 10 degrees
- Weight: oz.
- Stop:
- Date: 60's - 70's
- Markings:
- Manufacturer:
- Estimated value: $100
Patent Bezard German Marching Compass
This compass from East Germany has perhaps more parts than any other!
The crystal alone is composed of glass crystal, plastic compass rose, cardboard
overlay and alloy backing plate, all housed in a rotating alloy bezel!
Orientation is rather foolproof because of this system: match the needle,
a large white arrow, with the corresponding cut-out in the overlay, thus
making it rather difficult to read from the wrong end of the needle.
This compass is very sensitive to tilting - one must be quite precise
in holding the device, but, properly held, the Bezard rewards with a very
accurate needle.
- Material: Alloy & bakelite
- Size: 3" x 2"
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: Jewelled, undamped
- Graduations: Cardinal points, degrees, per 20
- Lanyard loop
- Weight: 2.4 oz.
- Stop: Automatic when cover is closed
- Date: Likely 50's - 60's
- Markings: Direktion (on cover)
- Patent-Bezard
- D.R.P. - 157329
- 3294# (on reverse)
- Manufacturer: Unknown
Original Bezard Compass
A bit of Teutonic over-engineering at its best! Lots of terrific
details to this classic Bezard, such as the rifle-type sights at the bottom
of the sighting notches, the fool-resistant circle-over-circle south tip,
the big white direction arrow in the cover interior and the metal mirror
to aid in sighting accuracy.
- Material: Nickeled brass & alloy
- Size: 3" x 2"
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: Jewelled, undamped
- Graduations: Cardinal points, mils, per 200, tic marks per 50 mils
- Sighting notch on cover sides
- Lanyard loop
- CM rule on cover
- Metal mirror
- Weight: 3 oz.
- Stop: Automatic when cover is closed
- Date: Likely 40's - 50's
- Markings: Richtung (Direction) (on cover)
(on reverse)
Original Bezard (on crystal)
Manufacturer: Unknown
Carl Zeiss Jena Fussartillerie (Light Artillery) Compass
At nearly a pound and a half of precision brass, this is no pocket compass!
Google translates "Fussartillerie" as "foot artillery," but we'll go with
"light artillery" until my German and military nomenclature improve.
Dovetailed on reverse to be fitted to a mount. Centimeter scale
on left side, in harder alloy. Bubble level (note: the level has
lost most of its liquid). Extraordinarily accurate, of course!
It was necessary to do a little math on this one: the raised dial is
graduated in 5760 divisions. Converted to degrees, each division
is .0625 degrees. The tangent of that figure is .0010908, so at,
say, 1000 yards, each division represents a difference of 1.09 yards, or
1 meter. The concept eludes me when we're talking about a distance
of 1000 meters; enlightenment is always welcome!
- Material: Brass.
- Size: 4 1/2" x 4" diameter
- Crystal: Glass
- Needle: Jeweled
- Graduations: 5760 divisions
- Sights: Notch & post in bezel
- Weight: > 20 oz.
- Stop: Manual via lever
- Markings: Carl Zeiss
- Jena
- B.R. 722.
- Fussartillerie
- Manufacturer: Carl Zeiss
Russian Marching Compass
Many fine imports are coming out of the former Soviet Union. This example's
cover houses a mirror.
- Material: Black plastic
- Size: 2 3/4 x 2 1/4"
- Crystal: Glass w/ lubber line
- Needle: Undamped (possibly induction damped)
- Graduations: Divided into 60, an abbreviation of 6,000 graduations the
Russians use, akin to our mils, w/ Cyrilic cardinal points
- Weight: 2.9 oz.
- Stop: Atomatic when cover is closed
- Date: Current
- Markings: "A" in a circle on reverse
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Estimated value: $15
Romanian Military Compass
A better example of what the former Soviet bloc can produce. Flip-up
Material: Black painted alloy
- Size: 2 3/4 x 2 1/2"
- Crystal: Glass w/ lubber line, graduations and cardinal points
- Needle: Jewelled w/ luminous ends
- Graduations: Divided into 60, an abbreviation of 6,000 graduations the
Russians use, akin to our mils, w/ cardinal points
- Weight: 5 1/2 oz.
- Stop: Atomatic when cover is closed
- Date: 1997
- Markings: Made in Romania
- Manufacturer: Unknown
- Estimated value: $30
German Marching Compass
Includes flip-up sighting mirror, map scales.
Material: Black bakelite base, tin fascia
Size: 2 3/4 x 2 1/4"
Crystal: Glass in rotatable bezel
Needle: Jewelled w/ luminous North tip
Graduations: Mils, by 100
Weight: 2.7 oz.
Stop: Automatic when cover is closed.
Date: Unknown
Markings: Marsch-Kompass on cover
Enclosed "S" and D.R.P. on reverse
Manufacturer: Unknown
Estimated value: $25
| German Walking (Marching) Compass
Civilian version of German Marching Compass. Mirror lid, paper dial,
rotating bezel.
- Material: Bakelite
- Size: 2 3/4" x 2 1/8"
- Crystal: Plastic w/ luminous dots for cardinal points
- Needle: Liquid-damped w/ luminous North
- Graduations: 360 degrees, by 10
- Weight: 1.75 oz.
- Stop: None
- Markings: Germany
- Manufacturer: Unknown
Estimated value: $30
Canadian Kodak
Canadian Kodak
Polish Compass
British Compass
WWII British Marching Compass, MK I.
Manufactured by the TG Co., Ltd, It consists of a finely balanced needle,
metal mirror with sight line and slot in cover and a vee-notch sight.
Night marching was aided by the (formerly) luminous lines on the
mirror and above thumbloop, as well as the needle tip, dial and bezel.
The case is bakelite