T1-6 T2-2 T3-2 Peony T5-4 T1-5 T1-4 T2-1 Garlic T4-2 T5-3 T3-1 | Peppercini Long Slim T6-1 T1-3 T5-2 | Long Slim Kung Pao T3-3 T1-2 T5-1 | Kung Pao Chile Negro T4-1 T7-1 T1-1 Garlic
T1 - Carbon T2 - Moskvich T3 - BeefSteak T4 - Polish Giant T5 - Azoychka Yellow T6 - Goliath Beefsteak T7 - Hugh's
Can see a couple of Azoychka Yellow tomatos starting to get ripe. A nice golden yellow.
Pepper plants (long slim) are doign very well in the containers on the deck.
Sweet basil started from seeds in the container on the deck are also doing very well.