T6-3 T3-2 T3-1 Peony T5-4 T5-3 T1-2 T1-1 Garlic T2-3 T2-2 T2-1 | T4-3 T5-2 T5-1 | T3-3 T6-2 T6-1 | T1-3 T4-2 T4-1 Garlic
T1 - Orange Strawberry T2 - Jersey Devil (nice paste tomato) T3 - Persimmon (not so tasty) T4 - Carbon (not as good as 2005) T5 - Gardeners Delight (not so tasty) T6 - Sun Gold (very good) P1 - Habanero P2 - Kung Pao P3 - Jamaican Hot Chocolate P4 - Tobasco P5 - Fatalii Px - Cross polinated between Pepperoncini and Bolivian Rainbow
Seed Source: Tomato Growers Supply, Fort Myers, FL
Found pepper plants growing in barrel on driveway
Basil grew well in container on deck. Used seeds from previous year, harvested in winter
Orange strawberry in container on deck. Looked very healthy at first,
developed end blossam rot.
Added blood meal to container before planting, maybe too much nitrogen.
Orange Strawberry: Good tasting poor yield
Jersey Devil: Fun shape - ok taste
Persimmon: Good tasting, poor yield
Carbon: Not as good as previous year.
Sungold: Best tasting tomato this year
Gardeners Delight: Not very good
Peppers are doing very well in containers on deck.
Early leave had "fungus" like spots. Treated with Ortho Garden Disease Control. Appeared to help.