Seed Sources


Indeterminate: 80 days to maturity

8-12oz black-red colored tomato. This variety consistently rates very high in taste tests. Fruits ripen to a dark red, with blackish overtones. Interior flesh color is also a dark red. Flavor is a rich and sweet.

Origin: Hybrid developed in the United States.


Indeterminate: 60-75 days

This is a beautiful red tomato from Western Russia known in Russia as "Kalujski Krasno" after the city of Kaluga which is located about 50 miles from Moscow. This early variety produces an abundance of medium sized red tomatoes, although some reports have described Moskvich weighing upwards of 2 pounds! An excellent and dependable variety especially suited for cold climates.

Russian heirloom, Small 4-5 oz. red fruits are sweet and very early


Indeterminate: 90 days

Popular clear yellow, 1-2 lb. beefsteaks. Outstanding, sweet, yet strong, complex flavor. Superb taste combined with very heavy yields.

Family heirloom dating back to 1940 from Madison County, Indiana.

Goliath Beefsteak

Indeterminate: 85 days

Goliath is an excellent producer of huge, dark pink, ribbed beefsteak tomatoes with a meaty flesh and few seeds that features an exceptional taste. The tomatoes themselves are huge, often reaching upwards of 3 pounds, while some giant tomato enthusiasts have claimed that Goliath Tomatoes have been grown as large as 5 pounds in weight.

Reportedly, this tomato variety is said to be an heirloom variety that has been cultivated since the late 1800's, although no other details are available regarding its origin.

Polish Giant

Indeterminate 85 days

Vigorous plant produces mild flavored hefty red fruits that are great for slicing and salads.

An heirloom variety from Poland.

Azoychka Russian Tomato

Indeterminate: 60-70 days.

Determinate. Matures in about 80 days.

Azoychka is an open pollinated heirloom beefsteak tomato from Russia. The original seed of this wonderful Russian tomato variety was originally collected by Kent Whealy of SSE from an elderly Russian seedsman who sold his garden seeds at the Kalitnikovskiy Ptichije Rynok (Kalitnikovskiy Bird Market) in the Eastern sector of Moscow (Note: the Kalitnikovskiy Bird Market, which had been operational in the same location since the 1930's, was closed down on December 29th, 2001 by Moscow City Police.

This tomato variety's name, "Azoychka", is a common female name in Russia and was given to this gorgeous variety after its introduction to the United States - a beautiful Russian name for an equally beautiful Russian tomato. This excellent tomato features a weedy, determinate type vine that grows up to 4 feet in height and produces an abundance of large, smooth, slightly flattened, beefsteak type tomatoes of approximately 10 ounces in weight. The vines require the use of stakes or tomato cages for the best results. The tomatoes themselves feature an unusual, semi tart, citrus like flavor and are excellent for slicing or juicing. Azoychka as a whole are a very disease resistant tomato variety and do particularly well in very damp, cool climates.

It should be noted that Azoychka is a regular leafed tomato variety and should NEVER feature a potato type leaf. Please beware of other companies who are selling "potato leafed Azoychka" as these are not Azoychka!

This is a variety that Kent Whealy brought back from Russia on one of his collecting trips. It first became available in 1995 however, much of the seed that is currently being offered by other seed companies and collectors is crossed and not true-to-type. Azoychka is regular leaf, quite early, good sized (5 to 8 ounces) oblate shaped, yellow (not golden or orange) fruit with bright yellow interiors and a nice tart taste. Not the typical sweet or fruity flavor people associate with yellow fruited varieties. Pleasant tartness more closely approximates the flavor of a good red tomato.

This is a delightful small yellow beefsteak tomato that matures so early it will be one of the first varieties to ripen in your garden. Beautifully smooth, lemon yellow fruit weighs about 8 ozs. and is very flavorful, rich but pleasantly sweet with a delicious hint of citrus.

Heirloom variety from Russia

Chadwick Cherry

Indeterminate: 80-90 days

Large for a cherry tomato, the 1 inch fruits are borne in clusters of 6, have sparkling tomato flavor and few seeds. The indeterminate 6 foot vines are vigorous, highly productive and disease resistant. Average 9,000 seeds/oz.

Planting Depth: 1/4 inch
Soil Temp. for Germ.: 70-85°F
Days to Germ.: 6-10
Plant Spacing: 3'
Days to Maturity: 90
Full Sun
Moderate Water

Amish Paste

Indeterminate: 85 days Medium, red, oxheart shape. A good yielding variety with acorn shaped, deep red fruits. The Amish Paste Tomato has a thick flesh with few seeds and a mild flavor. Great for sauces, pastes, drying and eating fresh. Grows well in even poor conditions.

Black Plum

Indeterminate: 70-80 days to maturity

An oblong tomato ripening to a dark red, with blackish and dark green spots. The flesh is deep red/black in color. Moderate to high in juice, fruit up to 3 inch in length. Variety is fairly hardy and will bear in cooler temperatures, as well as grow in hot, dry climates.

This little plum tomato from Russia has also been errornously going around under the name of "Li'l Russian Devil", which we must add is not this wonderful tomato's true name. In Russia this variety is known as "Czerno Liana" which in fact, translates to English to mean Black Plum and hence the variety has come to be known as the Black Russian Plum Tomato in the United States. This lovely tomato variety is an outstanding producing of small, oval shaped, plum tomato type 3 inch long tomatoes of a deep mahogony color. This excellent variety features an intense, old fashioned tomato flavor with a great deal of juice. The tough skin of the tomatoes make them resistant to cracking. This is an excellent tomato for use in tomato sauces, salads or snacks and is more vigorous than most varieties, putting on a tough evasive vine that is typically loaded with tomatoes. Not only does this variety excell in cold climates and keep producing until the first hard frost, but it has also proven to do well in hot, dry climates as well.

Origin: The black plum tomato is originally from Russia.

Orange Strawberry

Indeterminate: 80 days.

This is a large, beautiful orange oxheart-type fruit that is shaped like a strawberry. The size is many times larger, though, with fruit ranging from 8 ozs. to 1 lb. The color is not just orange, but it is an intense and very deeply colored orange both inside and out. Flavor is also outstanding, exceptionally rich and sweet with just the right amount of acid. Excellent yields, especially for an oxheart variety.

Sun Gold

Indeterminante 57 days

This is the popular small fruited orange cherry-type tomato from Japan that is incredibly sweet. Its bursting sweetness and fruit-like flavor makes it a perfect snack in the garden to the table.

Jersey Devil

Indeterminate. 80 days.

Prolific variety with 4 to 6 inch long, tapered red fruits shaped like banana peppers. The tomatoes are very meaty and sweet with few seeds. Great for sauces, salsas, or even eating fresh. Color is a gorgeous bright red and yield is impressive.

Gardeners Delight

Indeterminate: 65 days

Several reviews claim this the best flavored cherry tomato. Many clusters of 6-12 tomatoes all summer. Extra sweet and packed with flavor. Indeterminate tomatoes continue to grow, set fruit, and ripen continuously until a frost arrives. Also known as vining types, they require staking or other support.


Indeterminate: 88 days.

Persimmon colored, rose-orange fruits range between 12 and 16 oz., though early fruits can weigh up to 2 lbs. Ripens from the blossom end to the softly dented light green shoulders, gradually acquiring a rose orange hue. Vines are vigorous, well branched and produce 1 to 2 fruits per flower cluster.

Lemon Boy

Indeterminate: 72 days.

Beat all gold tomatoes in trial tests, both for flavor and yields. Lemon-yellow, 6-ounce fruits are meaty and blemish free. Lemon Boy Hybrid Tomatoes are disease-resistant indeterminate.

Marianne's Peace

Indeterminate: 80 days.

This large, potato-leaved dark pink tomato is fast becoming a favorite of gardeners across the country. The large, 1 to 2 pound pink-red beefsteak fruits have luscious, full tomato flavor that features a good balance of acidity and sweetness. Vigorous vines are very productive, which is special for a potato-leaved plant.


Determinate: 60 days.

If you love grape tomatoes, but don't have the space for supports to grow tall plants, Sprite offers a wonderful alternative. There is no sacrifice in fruit quality, size, productivity, or flavor - just shorter plants for smaller gardens. The small red oval grape tomatoes are borne in amazingly large numbers on more compact, determinate plants. Their taste is refreshingly sweet and skins are thin and crisp, just like the original Grape tomatoes.


Indeterminate: 85 days.

This heirloom tomato was a favorite of the late Chuck Wyatt and it still delivers an exceptional harvest of superior fruit. Large, 1 pound beefsteaks are just delicious with rich, full tomato flavor and plenty of solid meat. The harvest continues for quite a while, too. In fact, the year we grew Church, it produced so many tomatoes that we had to turn some of them into sauce-it was scrumptious!


Indeterminate: 60 days.

2005 ALL-AMERICA SELECTIONS AWARD WINNER - Very sweet, cherry sized tomatoes are oval shaped with a pointed blossom end and a beautiful reddish-pink color. Fruit is produced in clusters on high yielding semi-indeterminate vines, which means that plants stay more compact but continue to produce over a long season.

Paul Robeson

Indeterminate. 75 days.

One of the most highly regarded black tomatoes, this one features medium sized deep maroon fruits that are free of most blemishes and cracking. Their flavor is complex, sweet yet tangy, and characteristic of that distinctive richness that makes black tomatoes special. Russian heirloom.

Giant Belgium

Indeterminate. 90 days.

Developed in Ohio, this variety is distinctive for its fruit that averages 2 lbs., but has been known to grow to an enormous 5 lbs. Tomatoes are dark pink and solid meat with smooth blossom ends and a delicious sweet flavor. Some folks make wine from these very sweet tomatoes.


Indeterminate. 75-80 days.

This wonderful variety came from a former U.N. worker in Kosovo, who passed it down to Carolyn Male. Huge, deep pink heart-shaped fruit has a sweet rich flavor and is very meaty while still being juicy. Production is excellent and the tomatoes are simply beautiful, but it is the delectable and intense tomato flavor that really makes this one special. Tomatoes can grow up to 1 pound, with ranges from 10 to 18 ozs.

Italian Sweet

Indeterminate. 85 days.

Large and luscious red beefsteak tomatoes grow on tall, potato-leaved plants. We got the stock seed for this variety from a 3 lb. tomato we bought at a farmer's market. The fruit was incredibly sweet and juicy, full of old-fashioned tomato flavor.

Anna Russian

Indeterminate. 70 days

Heirloom seed handed down to an Oregon woman from several generations of her family, along with the story that it came from a Russian immigrant. Large, juicy pinkish-red heart-shaped tomatoes consistently weigh 1 lb. or just under. Flavor is superb. Small foliage and wispy vines are typical of oxheart-type tomatoes, but this one is distinctive for its size, earliness, and juicy outstanding taste.

Black Cherry

Indeterminate. 65 days.

Early Wonder

Determinate. 55 days.

This extra-early maturing, compact variety makes an impressive crop of round, dark pink tomatoes with an average weight of 6 ounces. They have excellent, full tomato flavor, and earn their name since it is a wonder when an early variety tastes this good. Perfect for gardeners in short-season areas.

German Giant

Indeterminate. 77 days.

This family heirloom variety produces an abundance of deep pink tomatoes that are just huge and brimming with luscious flavor. The plant's potato-leaved foliage may remind you of Brandywine, but this one matures fruit that are earlier, larger, and more plentiful than those of Brandywine. German Giant tomatoes are smooth in shape, 2 lbs. or more, and full of that rich but sweet taste that makes a tomato scrumptious.

Brandywine Sudduth's Strain

Indeterminate. 85 days.

This is widely known as the original Pink Brandywine strain, obtained by Ben Quisenberry from Dorris Sudduth Hill, whose family had grown it for more than 80 years. Many gardeners consider this strain the best Brandywine with fruit that is superior in taste and smoothness. Its tomatoes are indeed special, 1 to 2 pound pink beefsteaks with the delectably complex, rich, sweet flavor that has made Brandywine justifiably famous.


Indeterminate. 70 days.

This heirloom variety was originally released in 1944 by the University of Nebraska and is worth planting today because of its incredible flavor and reliably large harvests even in hot weather. Sweet yet tangy and full of rich, complex flavors.


Determinant. 75 days.

Developed at the University of Florida by Dr. Jay Scott. It is notable for its potential as a commercial tomato bred especially for vine-ripe harvest and great flavor. This also suits it well to home gardens and to production for fruit stands and farmers' markets. Tomatoes have just the right balance of sugar and acid plus high levels of health-promoting lycopene and rich red color inside and out. Firm texture and juicy flesh make it wonderful for slices, salads, or chopping into salsas or sauces

Bella Rosa

Determinant. 75 days.

Heat tolerant and resistant to tomato spotted wilt virus. High yields of large, 10 to 12 oz. delicious tomatoes with bright red flesh.

Japanese Trifele Black

Indeterminate. 75 days.

Unusual appearance and outstanding, rich flavor. Pear-shaped, blemish-free fruit weigh 4 to 6 ozs. Deep mahogany-brown with green shoulders. Highly productive plants have potato-leaved foliage. Green shoulders are also an indicator of superior flavor.

Black Krim

80 days.

Dark red-purple fruit, rich sweet flavor. It always places high in tomato taste trials. It's very juicy. An heirloom from Russia with very unique looking, large fruit.

Yaqui VFFNA Hybrid

Determinate. 75 days.

Chef's Choice Orange Hybrid

Indeterminate. 75 days.


Gold Medal

Indeterminate. 80 days.

One and a half pound yellow and red striped fruit.

Garden Gem

Black Sea Man

Ukranian Purple

Chocolate Cherry

Teaspoon Tomato

San Marzano

Semi-determinate, 80 days


Indeterminate, 85 days

Saving tomato seeds

Put juice and seed in a jar and let ferment for 3 days Good seeds sink and bad ones float (it can get mouldy and smelly) Add water and poured off to clean the seeds Rinse through a seive and let dry on a plate

Determinates ripen over 3-4 weeks on bushy vines that usually need no staking. Indeterminate vines continue to grow and produce fruit all season until frost. The large vines need support.