
The national average of outside radon levels is 0.4 pCi/L. Depending on your geographic location, the radon levels of the air you breathe outside of your home may be as high as 0.75 pCi/L.

Radon levels are typically higher in the winter. Therefore the best time to test and determine if you have a radon problem is during the heating season. Another option is to find your yearly average exposure to radon by doing a long term test, lasting one year.

The US EPA has set an action level of 4 pCi/L. At or above this level of radon, the EPA recommends you take corrective measures to reduce your exposure to radon gas This does not imply that a level below 4.0 pCi/L is considered acceptable. The risk of lung cancer increases substantially with exposure to higher radon levels. Lung cancer risk rises 16% per 2.7 pCi/L increase in radon exposure.

4.0 pCi/L is equal to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.
4.0 pCi/L is equal to smoking 10 cigarettes a day.
4.0 pCi/L is equal to smoking 8 cigarettes a day.

The half-life for radon is 3.8 days, indicating that once the source is removed, the hazard will be greatly reduced within approximately one month (seven half-lives).

Radon measurements

North bedroom     10.1  Feb 17 2016 charcoal test
North Crawlspace  12
South crawlspace  18    Mar 31 2016
TV room           10

Mitigation Apr 1 2016

TV room           1.3 S Apr  7 2016
                  0.7   Apr 18 2016
                  0.8 L Apr 24 2016
North bedroom     0.9 S Apr 10 2016 
                  1.1   Apr 13 2016 charcoal test
South bedroom     0.5 S Apr 12 2016
                  1.4   Apr 13 2016 charcoal test
North crawlspace  2.0 L May  2 2016
South crawlspace

Long term test

Accustar 91-365 days
Start: 2/14/2016



Safety Siren Pro Series3 Radon Gas Detector - HS71512 by Family Safety Products, Inc.

Accustar Alpha Track Test Kit AT 100 / Radon Gas Testing: 3 months to 1 year

First Alert RD1 Radon Gas Test Kit


Illinois Emergency Management Agency

Guardian Radon (20 reviews)
quote $2109
Guardian Radon Mitigation & Electrical Services

Heritage Radon (2 review)
quote $2250
Professional License # RNM2001202
Jeffrey Schuman, Mitigation Professional
Heritage Radon Mitigation, Inc.
42W568 Ironwood Ct
Saint Charles, IL 60175
(630) 377-9156
ARMS Radon Mitigation (0 reviews)
Professional License # RNM2001200
Wayne Westman, Mitigation Professional
ARMS Radon Mitigation Service, Inc
5N340 Paddock Ln
Saint Charles, IL 60175
(630) 587-2058

Outside Installation Examples



RP145 $140 41-72 Watts

Condensate bypass


When the exhaust pipe is installed up through the roof, our jack-flashings are installed the way a licensed roofing contractor would do the work. We weave the flashing into the shingles. A properly installed roof flashing does not require roof cement. Poorly installed roof flashings use roof cement to cover up poor workmanship. Knock on wood, to date we have not had to go back to a house to repair a leaking roof flashing.


For the outside fan, install vent through soffit, hide fan behind air conditioner, paint vent the same color as the house
Fan noise
The fan in the attic is located above the utility room. Cannot hear the fan from other areas in the house. The fan outside if located near the NW bedroom. Can hear the air flow/fan noise. Can hear the air flow in the crawl space near the entry point in the membrane. Could install insulation under the bedrooms to lower the noise.
Energy efficiency
Fans are about 40 Watts. Can suck heated air from the living space. Did a smoke test in the north crawl space and did not see any significant vacum around the perimeter of the tops of the walls.
Resale cost
In St Charles (60175), 39% of homes tested had a reading greater than 4 pCi/L and the average reading was 4.7 pCi/L.

Radon in Illinois